Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Omatseye, Death Threat & Moderation

Mr Sam Omatseye just reported that he has been receiving death threats from supporters of Mr Peter Obi over his article of yesterday.

That is, without mincing words, condemnable and unacceptable. A threat to one is a threat at all. It is a place we should never get to.

But are we there already? If not so, we are getting dangerously close. Apparently, not many of us are perceptive enough to see that trenches have been dug over time, with people trapped in bubbles therein. They are only able to hear themselves and no-one else, with truth, facts and logic filtered out.

Many have become overtly sensitive to words that do not resonate with their biases. That, for me, is reason for us to be more sensitive with our words and opinions we might be canvassing, no matter what we might assume to be the strength of our position or convictions.

Anyone who has paid enough attention to this page will notice how I have consistently harped on the place of civility and moderation. Some might think it is a play to the gallery. Well, that is what I believe in. I can't compel anyone to subscribe to my belief. I only ensure to weigh my words carefully. I never use any of the labels that people slap on themselves here. It is deliberate. It is a choice I forced upon myself.

I believe that these are not ordinary times and that more than any other time, we must be exceedingly careful with our words, where, when and how we say it. Especially when some of these words are themselves unnecessary. Call it self-censorship, I won't disagree. I believe that we need to embrace a greater sense of moderation over over our words. That we have the words does not mean we must use them. That we have an opinion does not mean we must share it. Well, you don't have to agree. 

The other day, a quote - "If the truth shall kill them, let them die", attributed to Immanuel Kant made the rounds here. I had to step in to state that there was no evidence Kant said that, but that if he or anyone says that, it is a philosophy I disagree with and will not subscribe to. 

As I argued then, I will again make the point that there is more than one way of speaking or sharing the truth. I will also restate my plea that we consider sharing our truths more from the place of love than anything else.

I would think that truth ought to be more about injecting life rather than inducing death, directly or otherwise.

Perhaps there is even a place for holding back from sharing the truth yet, not replacing that with falsehood, but being a bit mindful of the circumstances, timing, medium and tone, before proceeding to share this truth.

The urge for sharing the truth, I think, should be as important as a consideration of possible consequences that might come from sharing it.

I fully adopt the three paragraphs above as expressed then. There can be no excuse or justification for any threat towards Mr Omatseye. It is here condemned.

However, whatever truths we have to share with the world, we must find a way to be mindful of the fault lines out there, and speak from a place of love, with kindness and a sense of moderation, especially if we have the privilege of a public platform. 

Pẹ̀lẹ́ lákọ lábo.

By Simbo Olorunfemi 

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